来自光明集团的复活节快乐! 这里有一些365app最喜欢的椰林复活节早午餐地点 - Miami Luxury 首页s-365官方app
迈克尔·莱特/ 2024年3月29日

光明集团祝你复活节快乐! Whether you are religious or not, Easter is a lovely season that represents rebirth and joy. It ushers in the springtime brightness and what better way to bask in the springtime sunshine than with a decadent brunch.

这里是椰林, we have the good fortune of such a rich culinary environment with gorgeous and award-winning restaurants from practically type of cuisine. 这里列出了一些在椰林享受复活节早午餐的最佳地点.

迈阿密- 3480主干道,6楼

为了一顿有风景的早午餐, you’ll find an Easter egg on the rooftop of the boutique office building at 3480 Main Highway. 无可挑剔的风景和灵感的菜单, guests will enjoy an elevated brunch experience with perfected cocktails and Spanish fusion dishes.

复活节早午餐的一些突出菜肴包括黄色西班牙凉菜汤, 鱼子酱蛋本尼迪克特和牛奶焦糖蛋奶冻. There is also a range of traditional Spanish tortillas with ham, smoked salmon or meatless options.


Groot Hospitality’s The Key Club is no stranger to our list of suggested places in 椰子林区, 做了他们的 将于2022年春季首次亮相. 设有舒适的露台或诱人的室内空间, 钥匙俱乐部是庆祝团聚和烹饪技艺的关键.

For Easter this year, The Key Club is offering not only a brunch, but a dinner service as well. 复活节早午餐从上午11点到下午4点,复活节晚餐从下午4点到深夜. 一些突出的菜肴包括糖山核桃波旁甜面包, 龙虾本尼迪克特, 脆脆的法式吐司. 的点心, The Key Club has put a spin on the traditional brunch cocktails with Watermelon Spritz and Jah-Mama Mary.

西瓜喷雾剂是阿佩罗的混合物, 西瓜, 橙汁和普罗塞克酒,再配上妈妈玛丽混合灰鹅酒, 味噌和芹菜. 团体也可以尝试荔枝桑格利亚汽酒或玫瑰桑格利亚汽酒.

您可以在Key Club网站上预订.


由奇普里亚尼家族为您带来, 这个名字是意大利精致和优雅的代名词, 贝利尼坐落在标志性的Mr. 麦克法兰2988号C酒店. 与比斯坎湾的广阔视野和精致的菜肴, 这是一个完美的地方,在一个休闲而精致的设置一个提升早午餐.

The Bellini Easter Brunch menu is full of traditional Italian favorites with modern surprises, 扭曲和当地的食材. The Italian Charcuterie and Cheese is a great way to start the celebration off with Piadina Bread and a selection of cured Italian meats and cheeses. 这与Crudo选项的选择非常匹配. 包括熟龙虾, langoustine carpaccio or smoked salmon to enjoy while choosing from a full list of elegant benedicts and traditional brunch options.

在享受了贝利尼的服务和奢华之后, you may also want to explore the idea of embracing the lifestyle on a full-time basis as the Cipriani group is expanding their brand into residences. 你会发现他们的风格和服务 Mr. C Residences in 椰子林区 以及 Cipriani住宅 不久将在附近的布里克尔社区拔地而起. 这两座塔都融合了优雅的烹饪理念, 让奇普里亚尼成为一种真正的生活方式.


如果你在过去的20年里住过或去过椰林, 你可能已经熟悉捷豹餐厅了. This is a lively Latin American experience that offers fun and flavors in a vibrant setting.

复活节早午餐, Chef Oscar is preparing his traditional Jaguar favorites that include the spicy Huevos Rancheros and Migas con Huevo. The Huevos Rancheros include fried eggs covered in salsa ranchera and tortillas with black beans and the Migas con Huevo is another traditional Mexican dish that offers crispy tortilla bits and soft scrambled eggs.

Those who have a sweet tooth will want to choose the Cachapancakes that are made of sweet corn cachapas with maple syrup and bananas or the Pan con Maduros that are exactly as described. 这是一种酥脆的蛋奶糊吐司,配上牛奶、奶油和甜玉米饼.

如果你渴了, the bottomless Tropical Sangria is the perfect touch for this laid-back Easter brunch to bring in the 椰子林区 spring vibes.


If you find joy in elegant Lebanese cuisine, you should not miss the Easter Brunch at Amal Miami. 位于3480主干道的一层, Amal Miami is another restaurant concept that makes frequent appearances on our “best of ___” lists for 椰子林区. 有超过20个待客场所在运作, 阿迈勒·迈阿密于2022年春天来到椰林 它以其风格、服务和美食而闻名.

阿迈勒的美食提供了一个新的视角,对长期以来的传统, 在那里,你可以在优雅的黎巴嫩美食中找到春天的活力. The exquisite cocktail program offers the finest ingredients including orange blossom water, 这, 柑橘和最高品质的烈酒. Dishes at Amal are perfect for family-style dining with shareable options that include decadent varieties of hummus, 面包, 肉类和一份鸡蛋的选择清单.


Red Farm NYC is one of the newer additions to our list, and what an entrance they are making! 开始他们新的早午餐点心, 他们推出了一款特别的复活节主题菜单 胡萝卜形状的甜蛋奶包子和复活节兔子风格的虾饺 (见上图).

The fun creations are going to be available for Easter Brunch seatings on both Saturday and Sunday in addition to their comprehensive Modern Chinese menu designed by Chef Joe Ng and food expert Ed Schoenfeld.


2016年在SoHo开始, Major Food Group’s Sadelle’s brings a modern twist to New York’s tradition of all-day dining. 现在这个概念已经扩展到椰林, 用餐者可以在早上9点开始参加复活节早午餐.

除了当地的荣誉, Sadelle’s has earned such honors as Harper’s Bazaar and Cosmopolitan Magazines’ lists of Essential Brunch Destinations and the sticky buns were ranked as one of the New York Times’ Best Dishes of 2015.

This year’s Easter Brunch in 椰子林区 will bring a theme of Easter Blooms in the Heart. Diners will enjoy traditional New York-style fare such as Easter Egg Bagels with a variety of fish on tiered stands with fresh, 兴致很高的配料, 甜兔子面包和松软的法式烤面包.

Major Food Group has established itself as a new Miami staple over recent months/years with several different restaurant concepts throughout the Downtown Miami/Miami Beach/椰子林区 area. The hospitality group is even rolling out a residential condo tower dedicated to culinary enthusiasts called 埃奇沃特区的迈阿密别墅 迈阿密.


说到椰林的早午餐, 除非你在格林街吃过早午餐,否则你不能被认为是真正的格罗维特人. 这些是规则. 这是当地人的必去之处, 他们的访客,甚至他们毛茸茸的朋友来参观院子, enjoy an inspired menu of traditional gourmet dishes and to bask in the ambiance that 椰子林区 offers.

当然,这些并不是椰子林唯一令人惊叹的餐厅选择. 365app有幸拥有这样一个无边无际的烹饪场景. 一定要去试试这些餐馆, but also stay tuned as we make additional suggestions from our experience as 椰子林区 residents and real estate specialists.






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